Solve for Pattern.jpg


Seed of an idea

Filming the making of an environmental sculpture on top of a classic rock pinnacle near Wanaka was serious fun. We climbed Tombstone Crack to reach an airy platform and hauled up the film gear and set it up. James Blake climbed the crack to film on top while Joey found good angles from below and on other rock outcrops.

The sculpture was made from rosehips gathered from the wild briar growing on the hillside below. They are an invasive weed here in Central Otago but were a useful seed for our idea. The bright red of the sculpture shone against the lichen covered rock and surrounding crags.

We took the rosehips home with us and that night Philippa turned them into rosehip syrup and cooked pancakes with cream and rosehip syrup. Delicious!

James filming on Tombstone